Like What We're Doing? Collaborate With Sam and The Hello World Project

If you belong to an organisation or are responsible for drumming up creative inclusive themed campaigns on behalf of a city for example and can envision ways on how Sam can collaborate with you on a project by being a part of something positive, fun, creative and uplifting with a digital twist for your audience, please feel free to get in touch via LinkedIn to discuss how Sam can bring some joy into your campaign.  We have over 108 animations with corresponding QR codes and animations in all languages so rest assured, Sam has got you covered for any visual interactive projects you may have in mind.

Join The Hello World Project With Sam

Say Hello

The best way you can support Sam and The Hello World Project is to simply open your heart little by little and either smile, give a quick nod or say just say 'hello' to a few more people this year without expecting anything in return from the other person when doing so.


The Give and Keep crew are currently working on building an online store for you to be able to browse and buy our products in the near future.  If you wold like a sneak peak before our official launch, please feel free to click on the link below and have a little nosy:

Getting Social 

Whether you are a fan of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or even LinkedIn, adding yourself to any of our social media channels means that we can easily keep you up to date with our progress with The Hello World Project in the future.    

Thank You from Sam:)
