Creating smiles from deep within the heart is truly what matters.
We know that simply saying 'Hello' is becoming increasingly challenging in today's fast paced busy and diverse world, Give and Keep have therefore created The Hello World Project staring Sam the dancing digital angel who will help you say 'hello' in a fun and entertaining way in over 108 languages from around the world. A smile is said to have the same meaning in every language so we hope both yourself and the receiver can experience the happiness that comes from making somebody smile from deep within the heart by simply sharing a 'hello'. :)

Give and Keep (G&K)
Give and Keep started life as a gifts and greetings brand however in recent years has slowly started to evolve into a digital animation entertainment brand with Sam the dancing digital angel at the heart of everything we do.
We discovered that Sam had the amazing ability to make people smile without even trying so our focus now is to use our creativity and a splash of craziness to bring fun products and entertaining experiences into both your physical and digital worlds to simply make you smile uncontrollably from deep within your hearts with all that we create.

The Give and Keep brand car known affectionately as MIMI and named after the great mechanic who got this little beauty on the road for us all to appreciate and enjoy.
The global iconic Classic Austin Mini is loved the world over and never fails to make the most serious of commuters sprout a smile. It therefore seemed like the perfect choice to represent a global project aimed at creating global smiles.

If you haven't guessed by now, the cute little cheeky looking angel you see in our Give and Keep logo is called Sam.
Sam is a symbol for anyone you may know in your world who has a big, generous and warm open heart who can uplift your spirits in an instant and make you smile. The Sam's of this world want nothing more than to simply connect with other human beings in a heartfelt meaningful way so they can share their kindness and generous spirit with you. Although they do not want anything back from you, they will most definitely be thankful for you taking the time to appreciate them for being the angels that they are. So go ahead and show some love for the Sams in your world today.
The All New Super Sam Platform Game.
Give and Keep would like to offer you the chance to help Sam in eliminating sadness and unhappiness in the virtual world too by playing the all new Super Sam platform game now available from the Google Play Store. Download today by clicking on the button below. Enjoy!